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Abaca is a vegetal textile fiber obtained from the wild banana, which is indigenous to the Philippines, where it is still cultivated today. The fiber can be up to 3 m long and has exceptional characteristics of resistance and lightness; the most external parts of the trunk and bark are used to produce quality cords and ropes following various procedures of mechanical processing to remove the woody part of the plant, while the finer parts are used to produce industrial canvas, carpets, mats and other home furnishing products. The color of the fiber ranges gradually from light beige to dark brown, the farther away it is from the center of the trunk. It is extremely resistant, can be woven in a variety of forms and holds color well. We use the internal part of the abaca plant, prized for its strength and softness, to produce the fiber for our carpets and mats. No chemicals are used to obtain the natural tints of our products.

Vegetal Carpets (4)
Vegetal Carpets
Abaca CO
Abaca MA
Abaca NO
Abaca WH

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