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Health “at your feet”.

Pressing your feet or walking barefoot on the 100% vegetal carpet CYNTO, will give your sole a beneficent massage, improve your blood circulation while bringing about a lasting sense of wellbeing.
Lastly, the vegetal carpet is antistatic and remains at room temperature without holding heat: let the natural good feeling of the “Water hyacinth” lie at your feet.


Thank you for choosing a CYNTO product.
Its components are natural and ecological: natural, because they are made with plants growing 100% in a natural habitat; ecological, because the water hyacinth used is grown respecting its biological cycle and without harming its habitat.

Usual Care

Use a usual vacuum cleaner to remove any dust.
Grease stains: rub with a sponge dampened in warm water and very diluted neutral soap, then let dry. To increase its life span, try as much as possible to avoid stepping often with heavy shoes or spike heels.

Exceptional care
CYNTO vegetal carpet may be washed with a water jet. Spread the carpet outside, spray with the water jet and, if needed, rub it carefully in the sense of the fiber by using a sponge dampened in warm water with diluted neutral soap. Rinse abundantly and let dry thoroughly on a slanted surface, if possible, making sure that you turn it over to avoid all remaining dampness that could result in mildew.

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