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The new Urban world has recently entered the upholstered furniture market: a world which has seen an increasing need for daily simplicity that is, however, far from banal and a reliability that is never just in terms of advantage.

Its intent is to make useable design objects that are close to the world that selects them.
New functional ideas, designed to create deeply-felt relations with those who live with them.
Upholstered items, complementary pieces and accessories are designed to provide continual opportunities, in keeping with the times, for filling your living space with new significance.
Objects with a modern design, fabricated with creative enthusiasm and intelligence, using the ideal materials to accompany every specific requirement and every mood.

The new Urban world is a realm full of lively ideas and different hues, a starting and meeting point for persons and their discoveries. A world where the mundane and the exceptional entail paying new, fuller attention to one's way of being.
Urban sets about creating products that are easily recognisable: modern and rigorous, yet with a soul - the vital, curious soul of the young owners.

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